Thursday, August 24, 2006

He Did It...Maybe!?

Working for the newspaper you would think that I would have an inside track into Mr. Karr and his infamous admission of murder. I sent an email to the online editor at the hoping to get a scoop on what is happening and my sense is that nobody knows the truth except for Karr.

If you lay out all of the known facts you could easily make a case either way. The biggest problem is knowing the facts. There have already been a number of early reports that are now known to be false. Sorting through everything can be very difficult. I've switched back and forth many times in the last two weeks and still haven't landed on a spot that I could say is a strong opinion. If I were to make a guess at this point I would say he is guilty.

The only fact that you can clearly say is true is that it is better for Karr to not be on the streets. Regardless of JonBonet and the media circus, it is clear that this guy is not balanced enough to be part of society.

I have a separate theory however. I think Karr is part of a White House plot to distract from Iraq. The same is true for Israel's invasion of Lebonon. It is all part of a big plan to distract from the problems that this administration has created. In the end Bush's popularity ratings can only go up in light of recent events! Who in their right mind would say that Bush is a horrible person when watching a news report on Karr? Bush seems like a kind, gentle and rational man in that kind of light. (I should mention that I'm a republican who is trying to figure out if the Democrats aren't actually the ones behind the Karr plot. Truth will prevail eventually!)

"Help Me" fund update: $240.02 until Amber goes on a cruise. Thanks for your continued support!


Blogger Nicholas Borelli said...

I write about predators like Karr and others of his ilk in two of my several books. What Karr and other predators need is described in "Let No Man Be My Albatross" and "FATA! The Act of the Avengeance." In both cases the predator gets to meet up with the fathers of the victims.

Nick Borelli

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true!

And I will subscribe to your theory!

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are kidding, right? About the "White House" fostering the whole Karr circus to take out attention away from Iraq? And the situation in Lebanon..too? Please say that was a joke!?
If it wasn't an attempt at humor, what was it? The situations are not even in the same universe (except perhaps to JonBenet's family). I found your comments disturbing, especially for someone who helps to disseminate the news...the man is a sleaze-bag... but we don't have access to any real information and he hasn't been tried by any court. Although, given his other predator activities I'd like to see him sent away...far away.
Sorry this is so disjointed. Your comments rather through me for a loop.

6:01 PM  

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