Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Weekend Trip to the Cabin Part II

Let's be honest. When Amber says "we" forgot the key that isn't true at all. As a matter of fact I brought the key with me. Unfortuneatly Amber had headed up to the cabin about 4 hours before me so I wasn't much help to her when she arrived.

When I got home from work the kitchen coutner was nice and clean except for one tie-dye colored key (how you miss a tie-dye colored key I don't know). Fear struck me when I saw it on the counter so I immediately called Amber's cell phone. No answer. I then called the cabin phone and got Amber on the third ring.

The story of how the key didn't make it to the cabin still doesn't make sense to me. At first it was stories about how she didn't know about the key. Later she said she saw the key but didn't know what it went to (I'm sure she must have confused the tie-dye colored key with our many other tie-dye colored keys that we have lying around in the kitchen).

The all important thing is that we eventually made it into the cabin. And I have to say that cleaning puke and bailing the flooded bathroom floor of a million dollar cabin is much more enjoyable than doing it at home.

"Help Me" fund update: $214.69 until Amber goes on a much needed cruise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There seems to be a pattern here. Amber manages to find herself on the outside of locked doors and Jamie takes the hit for it. And that tye dyed office key line she gave was a pile of bull feathers.

The serf does think it's worthwhile to mention that the young lady's experiences with locked doors and being sick seem to go hand in hand with each other. If you keep her away from locked doors, you might reduce your janitor practice. It's worth a try.

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One other thought. Has it crossed your mind that you may have been scammed and bamboozled? The doctor may give you the 6 week green flag but that doesn't mean the wife has to play along.
If you think this may have happened, then delete this comment. We wouldn't want her to know we're on to her tricks.

9:52 PM  

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